Check if a given number is Armstrong using Python
For starters let us understand what Armstrong numbers are?
An Armstrong number is a positive number which when raised to the length of its digits is equal to the original number.
abcd... = a^n + b^n + c^n + d^n + ...
where n is the length of the number(abcd)
For example:
A number 407 has a length of 3
4^3 + 0^3 + 7^3 = 407
from the example above 407 is an Armstrong number. All good now!!
Source Code: Check Armstrong number of n digits
Let' s dive into the fun part, writing the code. First, Create a function call armstrong()
def armstrong():
Using the input() function allow the user to enter an integer as input which will be stored in the variable called number:
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
To check the length of a number in python, first convert the number into a string using the inbuilt str() function and store it in the variable n. Initialize the variable total_sum to 0 as we will be calculating the sum of the raised digits:
n = len(str(number))
We will introduce a control structure that will help direct the order of execution of the statements in our program, the if ... else statement
All numbers that have one digit or have a length of one is an Armstrong number by default. To check this we use the if statement below and return a print statement if the condition is satisfied:
if len(str(number)) == 1:
print("All single digit numbers are Armstrong numbers")
We then check to ensure the user enters a positive number. The function then throws an exception when a negative number is entered and proceeds to call the function again so that the user can try again and enter a positive number :
elif number < 0:
print("Enter a positive number")
In the Python language ecosystem, one can only loop through string data types, not integers, therefore, using the inbuilt str() function, we convert the number variable to a string so as to obtain the individual digits of the number.
First, loop through the number, assigning the digits to the variable x, secondly, raise the x to the initial variable n(as shown above), thirdly, add the raised digits and store them in the previously initialized variable total_sum
The code below makes use of nested if statements to print out whether the passed number is an Armstrong number or not.
for x in str(number):
total_sum += int(x)**n
if total_sum == number:
print("This is an Armstrong number")
print("This is not an Armstrong number")
Here is the whole source code:
def armstrong():
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
n = len(str(number))
if len(str(number)) == 1:
print("All single digit numbers are Armstrong numbers")
elif number < 0:
print("Enter a positive number")
for x in str(number):
total_sum += int(x)**n
if total_sum == number:
print("This is an Armstrong number")
print("This is not an Armstrong number")
Here is a snippet on how the program runs on the VS code terminal:
Thank you for reading, if you have any thoughts, get in touch in the comments section.
Here's to changing the society one code at a time. 🥂
Have a great day Pythonistas.